This plugin gives the ability to have latest product page (creating a standard VM Category Menu), instead of having modules puplished under an empty article. This plugin automaticaly monitors your virtuemart products database and check's if there are any changes (modifed or new products), then it auto assign them on a specific category (ex named "Latest Products") The Display Style/Sorting is based on your virtuemart category settings. You can define from parameters: 1) Number of days old entries 2) Max Products 3) Check every X minutes 4) Date Filter (Created Date, Modified Date, or Both) 5) Filter Products (DESC,ASC,RANDOM) (This does not affect the display style but the entires that will be synced) 6) Category ID to auto-assign the latest products Installation Instructions 1) Create a Virtuemart Category, example "Latest Products" and note the Category ID 2) Install the plugin from Joomla Installer 3) Enable the plugin and fill the parameter "Category ID" with the ID from step 1 4) Ajust the settings based on your needs 5) Go to Menu Manager, create a menu, type Virtuemart > Category and link it with the category that you have created on step 1 Compatible with Joomla 3.x Virtuemart 3.x/4.x